On Monday 11-13 the ethics committee held a hearing to discuss the complaints against Commissioner Rick Tryon.

Present at the hearing were:
The members of the Ethics Committee:
Seana Westcarr-Gray
Jordyn Rogers
David Sneddon
Justin Grohs
Members of the public including:
Jasmine Taylor – Complainant
Jordan Crosby – Appointed attorney to represent the ethics committee.
City Attorney: David Davis
Absent: Commissioner Rick Tryon.
The complaint was item #3 on the agenda and alleged violations of OCCGS 2.21.050(A),(C),D).
You can read the complaint in the document here: Agenda Packet starting on page 24.
It is too lengthy to post, 14 pages.
Fast forward to 7:04 in the video here: November 13, 2023 – – Great Falls Ethics Committee Meeting Video to view the proceedings.
The City attorney disclosed a potential conflict of interest for the city attorney’s office and noted they have appointed Jordan Crosby of Ugrin, Alexander and Zadick P.C. to advise the ethics committee on this matter.
Jordan Crosby: Representing the City went over the complaint and rules of procedure.

Ms. Crosby was noted as saying around 11:58 of the video during the public hearing, “I think at the outset it’s very important um and you will find that I am going to make sure the committee stick to the roles and responsibilities that have been delegated to it. Um and one of those is as I’ve just explained the committee’s role is to review the materials that were submitted, hear the testimony, receive public comment in this hearing and make deliberations. Um the city of great falls has not permitted the ethics committee to do its own investigation, to subpoena documents, um and so I just want to be very clear I know there is some frustration possibly about requiring or ordering commissioner Tryon to respond to things and that is outside of your scope and your role. Um you can only do things that are delegated to you. So, I just want to be very clear on that.”

Ms. Taylor spoke at 14:45 in the video and presented her complaint.
Her statements end at 20:00 minutes and Rick emailed Ms. Crosby.
Rick did not attend and sent an email to Ms. Crosby instead. See page 75-76 of the linked packet above.
Jordyn Rogers asked for questions for the Chair, none were asked by the public.
The committee members did ask a few questions.
E-city beat did submit documents that Rick Tryon does not receive money and does not financially gain from anything Mr. Tryon does, and that he’s simply a contributor to the blog.

On the first complaint:
Committee Member: Seana Westcarr-Gray: Motioned to find that the complaint against commissioner Tryon was in fact substantiated but the motion did not have a second and the motion failed.
Committee Member: David Sneddon then motioned that the complaint against commissioner Tryon was not in fact substantiated and Chairman Jordyn Rogers seconded the motion.
After a short discussion the committee chairman, Jordyn Rogers found that Mr. Tryon was allowed to have his own opinion and was blogging long before he was a commissioner. She found that his blogging did not have any effect on his position as a commissioner.
Ms. Westcarr-Gray commented she also agreed that Mr. Tryon was not employed by the entity, he does provide professional activity. The key here is that she has not seen evidence that this has impacted his ability to properly discharge his duties as a government official. She saw that commissioner Tryon despite his own opinions can do his duties.
The findings on all the complaints are as follows:

All complaints were not substantiated and here by dismissed. Ethics Committee Findings (70 KB)