EXPLORING GREAT FALLS – Cascade County Courthouse / Annex AREA

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Here at 13 KEIN News we love to take time out of our day to just explore Great Falls. With that in mind, it was time for a break after all the excitement over at the County Annex. We took pictures last week during our walk-through on Tuesday 12-19-2023.

Our first set of photos are from the “Cascade County Annex” since we were down there already covering the highly controversial “Resolution 23-62” story, we decided we needed a few photos for this and future articles.

Cascade County Annex – Courthouse Side
Cascade County Annex – Courthouse Side
Cascade County Annex – 1st Avenue Side

We stopped into the elections office as we had heard there was a lot of propaganda in the office.
To our delight, we found a “Declaration of Independence”, “We the People” and “The Bill of Rights”! All of this on the same wall as the required employment information board.

And of course, the office didn’t disappoint with all the propaganda. Clearly CHRISTMAS had come to the Cascade County Elections office. To note, they even said that, “The Grinch did not steal our Christmas!”

We had a particularly fun time taking these photos above. As you can see the lighting was just right and it was a nice summers day. We found the Christmas spirit at the Elections office as well. The fun deal with most new phones as they seem comparable to most digital cameras these days.
During these shots we also gathered some shots from across the street.

Cascade County Courthouse

This particular photo of the courthouse was nice this time of year. No leaves from the trees blocking our view. We then proceeded down the block a bit and caught a glimpse of the Treasurer’s office. As you can see there is a rich history here in the aged but well kept up buildings.

Subsequently we took a stroll to the courthouse and found the building directory.

It wouldn’t be a hard wager to say this directory is probably from the 80’s? We thought it was quite telling when the “Clerk and Recorder/Treasurer” notes moved to 121 4th ST NO.

And was our short walk downtown by the court house. When you’re out exploring the courthouse area, don’t forget to explore the beauty and rich history our courthouse area has to offer.
Also don’t forget to stop in and say hi to our Commissioners.

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